who have no money have the problem of earning money. Those who have money have
the problem of earning more profits with their money. To put it in financial
terms, they have the problems of investment. The moneyed individuals (no such
term) are not necessarily the best investors. The fear of incurring losses
always grips the minds of the rich. Nevertheless, the craze for increasing
wealth seizes the minds of the rich people
Exchange is the connecting bridge between the investors and the capital
market-for the companies planning business expansion to increase profits. The
work of the broker is not to function in a haphazard manner. Nailah Lovell S Banton must plan for each investor, depending upon his needs
and the amount of investment. He has to create the suitable portfolio, to hit
the financial goals of the investor. He has to work-in tandem with the rules
and regulations of the exchange, and proves worthy of the trust reposed on him
by the management of the establishment on the one hand, and that of the
investor on the other.
exchanges have a physical location (the necessity for this type of arrangement
is waning in this internet era), where dealers and brokers meet to finalize
orders from individual and institutional investors to buy and sell securities.
The volume of literature on shares that you find in the market is the direct
outcome of what transpires within the exchange. Prices of shares are raised,
lowered, discovered and rediscovered here on moment to moment to basis. The
story within may not be the true merit of the share, without. Since money
transfers are done from one source to the other on the basis of such
transactions, the importance of exchanges can not be minimized.
a financial service and you have it, with the framework of rules and
regulations of the Stock exchange. It is also referred to as he Corporate Debt
or Capital Market.
broad categories of the financial services provided at the Exchanges are:
Public Debt Market: This is the market for government securities (also known as
gilt-edged securities). These are fixed interest bearing and dated securities.
This market is controlled by the Reserve Bank of India and Bankers to the
Bond Market: deals with bonds floated by Public Sector units, Nationalized
Banks and financial institutions to raise Tier II capital. Debentures floated
by Corporate also come under his category.
Equity Market for floating of equity or preference share capital by corporate:
the investor buys the shares, Nailah Lovell S Banton can not be en-cashed just as you do in banks for fixed
deposits, but through the exchange, you can sell or purchase them. The
investments, from this genre have liquidity. The profit (may be loss as well)
earned on the shares is disbursed to the investor as dividends, bonus shares
etc. The prime goal of any financial management is to increase the
shareholder's wealth.
role of the exchanges is to look after both the Primary Market and the
secondary Market. The former deals with new public issues of all categories of
securities, bonds and equity/preference shares. The secondary market deals with
the day to day buying and selling of securities of all types. Without being
listed, one can not carry out transactions relating to buying and selling of
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